Today we welcome the wonderful Heather Hildenbrand to our blog as part of the stop in her Imitation blog tour! She has prepared a fantastic guest post for your viewing pleasure, and we have a review on the novel as well! So, without further ado, we are going to turn it over to Heather!
Heather: Thanks R&M!
A few days ago, I did a post on women’s fashion and how it’s portrayed in my new YA dystopian, Imitation. You can read that post here if you’re curious because some of the dress possibilities outright scared me. To keep it even, I decided to do a post on men’s fashion in the book world of Imitation. Not quite as “out there” as the women, or at least, not the way I picture it. Then again, when I Googled “men’s futuristic fashion” this came up:
*stares uncomprehendingly* *shakes head* I don’t picture that. For me, the men in Imitation wear suits most days, so I think it would be something like this:
Titus, Daniel, Caine… I can picture all of them in something like this. So this works for me.
And then there’s Linc. *cue steamy music* He’s casual, doesn’t wear suits, or not if he can help it. He rides a motorcycle, wears denim even though it’s considered retro in this futuristic setting, and wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of loafers. I call his style “laid-back-sexy.” I think it looks something like this:
*licks computer screen* I have to say, I’m a fan of this style, present and future ;)
Everyone is exactly like me.
There is no one like me.
The rough fabric of my cotton nightgown chafes so I lie very still. They say my discomfort comes from being built like one accustomed to niceties. How is that fair when I myself have never experienced anything but copies of the real thing?
My entire life is an imitation.
I am an Imitation.
I’ve been here five years. Training. Preparing. Waiting.
And now I have a letter.
My assignment has begun.
I am a prisoner.
I am not Raven Rogen.
I am here to die.
Hildenbrand’s Imitation is a novel
like no other than I have read recently.
It is the story of Ven, a young woman who is an Imitation, sent to take
the place of her Authentic. In this
world, a line is drawn between those that are naturally born, or Authentic, and
those who are not, the Imitations. Ven
must take the place of Raven Rogen, a woman that ven herself does not know but
instinctively despises as she immerses herself into the role that she must
tell you more about the overall plot line would be a crime, as this is a book
definitely worth reading. The characters
are well thought out and it is extremely easy to identify with the situations
and emotions that they go through.
loved Ven, in that she moves from confused and scared about everything, to
finally learning the truth of her existence and that everything she knew to be
true was a lie. Instead of the
information breaking her, it makes her stronger and determined to make a
difference in the world, a world that has become even more corrupt and chaotic
then the world that we live in today.
think that this novel addresses some very real concerns that people have about
moving forward with human cloning, and it is done in such a way that truly does
make you think about it objectively.
This novel one potential what-if scenarios that could take place if human
cloning was to take place. Would they be
human, or would they be something else? And
ultimately, is it the right thing to do?
thoroughly enjoyed this novel from start to finish. The level of emotion that I felt, well, it
was overwhelming at times. I get a mushy
ooh-la-la feeling about Linc, strong and immovable, but gentle and loving, with
just a touch of wild…oh boy! Yum! Titus I learned to hate, and while I wanted
to hate Gus, as the story continues to unfold, I felt sorry for him.
truly hope to see more of this story soon, as I am now on pins and needles to
discover if Ven will succeed in her mission.
Will she and Linc stay together?
And ultimately, what will happen to the Imitations, will there be any
justice for them and will Titus pay for what he has done to everyone?
answers and more, well, I guess I will have to wait for the sequel. But I encourage you to pick up a copy of Imitation and join Ven and Linc in their
journey. Then you too can anxiously
await the conclusion to their story, as I am myself. Until then, happy reading!
About the Author:
Heather Hildenbrand was born and raised in a small town in northern Virginia where she was homeschooled through high school. She now lives in coastal VA, a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, with her two adorable children. She works from home, part time as a property manager, and when she's not furiously pounding at the keyboard, or staring off into space whilst plotting a new story, she's lying on the beach, soaking in those delicious, pre-cancerous rays.
Heather loves Mexican food, hates socks with sandals, and if her house was on fire, the one thing she'd grab is her DVR player.
You can find out more about her and her books at
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About the Author:

Heather loves Mexican food, hates socks with sandals, and if her house was on fire, the one thing she'd grab is her DVR player.
You can find out more about her and her books at
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