Sunday, June 9, 2013

Melissa Crowe's New Beginnings (The Ivory Series) Review!

Vaughan and Nicola have survived a vampire turf war, now they face a much greater threat.
“So, when you say you need to go to Egypt and find The Creator. What does that mean exactly?”
After 66 years as a blood drinker, Vaughan makes moves to regain the mortality that was stolen from him.
“It is time for you to show your loyalty to me. I have a task I wish for you to undertake in exchange for what you request.”
He and the seductress Cleopatra embark on a doomed mission to find Clara and take her to Egypt for punishment.
When you make a deal with the devil, there’s sure to be consequences.

Buy Links: Amazon / Nook / Smashwords / Goodreads

I haven’t read a lot of paranormal books recently, simply because the genre was becoming a little too redundant for me.  It was the same story line, over and over again, with the same types of characters.  I used to love paranormal, and it broke my heart to no longer be able to enjoy reading it. But today...that all changed. 
Melissa Crowe’s New Beginnings (The Ivory Series) is refreshing for my muddled mind.  Yes, there are vampires, but the mythology and lore that is key in this book is what kept my riveted to this book.  Vampire falls in love with a human (done before) but this one now wants to be human as well.  While this isn’t a totally new concept, the execution was very well done.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book (I gobbled it up in less than two days).  Fair warning, this is book two in the series.  I have not read book one, and while there were some things that were referenced from the first book, I was still able to keep up with what was going on.  I would definitely recommend reading the first though.  I plan on going back and reading book one very soon. 

So, overall, I would totally recommend this book to lovers of vampires, some Egyptian awesomeness thrown in, and a well-developed and created story. Enjoy!

About the Author:

I live in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia.
In 2009 I began writing and have not looked back, the flood gates opened and I now have 10 books in various stages of completion and many more ideas in my head.
In 2012 I got the courage to share my work with the world and self-published my first book, a novella The Beast Within.

Stalker Links: Blog / Amazon Author Page / Goodreads / Facebook

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